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Chengdu Rushi Spices Co., Ltd.

Spices Suitable for Spring Consumption

As the saying goes: "spring should be the way to maintain health", spring temperature changes for girls with deficient blood and cold body, this time should pay more attention to dietary regimen to maintain health. In the daily diet, the spices should also be selected spicy, mild, those suitable for girls to eat spices, what are they?

Sichuan Pepper 

Sichuan Pepper

Sichuan pepper has the effect of warming the stomach, dispersing cold and relieving pain, which can effectively dispel rheumatism and stop toothache, because sichuan pepper itself is a pungent and hot product, after consumption can remove dampness from the body, which can effectively relieve abdominal pain and cold dampness and vomiting and diarrhea caused by cold invasion.


Ginger pungent warm, with warm, warm lung desire, drive the function of cold, with the regulation of the lower qi, nourishing qi warm stomach effect, body dampness heavy women eat more ginger or ginger with brown sugar boiled water to drink, can effectively improve the damp cold body.


Clove has a warming effect on the stomach and can warm the middle of the body, dispersing cold, lowering rebellion and stopping vomiting, and studies have shown that clove has a soothing effect on pregnant women's pregnancy leaves. Clove is also rich in eugenol, which is mainly used in medicine for antibacterial disinfection and as a partial painkiller. Women consume more cloves to keep their bodies warm and their breath fresh.

Chinese Cinnamon

Chinese cinnamon

Chinese cinnamon has a unique aroma and is mainly used for seasoning dishes. It has the ability to nourish Yang energy, warm the kidneys, and dispel cold and relieve pain. Because Chinese cinnamon is a hot substance, women often eat it to promote menstruation and blood circulation, dispel cold and remove dampness.


The aroma of aromatic leaves is strong, with the effect of dispelling wind and dampness, relieving swelling and pain, strengthening the spleen and stomach, as well as having a strong antiseptic effect.


Licorice is known as the king of all herbs. It has a strong aroma, tonifies the middle energy, relieves dysmenorrhea in women, and has a significant effect on weakness of the spleen and stomach, deficiency of middle energy, and impotence and cough in the lungs.



This is because turmeric is rich in curcumin, a polyphenol compound with potential antioxidant activity as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that curcumin in turmeric has a pain-relieving effect, and a little turmeric powder can be consumed to relieve sore throat, muscle pain after exercise and menstrual cramps in women. In addition, turmeric has a strong antioxidant capacity and has an inhibitory effect on skin aging. Curcumin can help the body to purify the body of toxins, assist in cell renewal and strengthen the immune system.

These are friendly spices for girls that can be consumed in moderation to season your food and heal your body and mind, allowing you to experience the beauty of life. In this spring day, take advantage of the good spring, let the body be healthy, life "aroma" up.

This March, the world's flowers are blooming because of you!

228 Xingnong Road West Section, Mengyang Street, Pengzhou City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
228 Xingnong Road West Section, Mengyang Street, Pengzhou City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province (+86)400 8553133