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Chengdu Rushi Spices Co., Ltd.

Rushi · Selection of Sichuan Pepper: The Ultimate Productivism Behind Traditional Categories (Ⅰ)

In the booming wave of the restaurant industry, the "addictive" spicy trend seems to have taken over? Unbeknownst to us, Sichuan pepper is a native Chinese spice that has been consumed in China for thousands of years, compared to chili, which only entered the country in the Ming Dynasty. As Huang Xingtai, chairman of Szechwan JiaHe Authentic Spices Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jiahe") said, "Numbing and spicy, the word numbing first."

However, due to the growth environment, harvesting and product form and other factors, Sichuan pepper has so far maintained a very traditional product and commercial business, and the uneven quality of the product has also hindered the overall development of the Sichuan pepper category. Based on this, the "Rushi" brand under the family and the original flavor put forward the development strategy of "net selection of Sichuan pepper", hoping that through the organic combination of traditional agriculture and modern technology, the Sichuan pepper, the traditional spice products to the best, along with the taste of China with the fragrance of the world. Buy Schezwan pepper from Rushi now!

Sichuan Pepper

01 30 billion: the tortuous behind the big industry

As the country of origin and main producer of Sichuan pepper, China ranks first in the world in both production and planting areas. The scale of pepper cultivation in China is still increasing at the rate of 20% to 30% per year, with a total cultivation area of more than 20 million mu and an average annual output of 400,000 tons, forming a huge specialty agricultural industry with an annual output of about 30 billion yuan.

As with most agricultural products, the $30 billion Sichuan pepper industry is also very tough. In addition to being affected by climate, and planting environment of uncontrollable factors, in the tedious process of planting to market, each link will have a great impact on the quality and price of pepper, not only will impress the entire Sichuan pepper category of industrial development, but also very easy to bring hidden dangers to food safety.

1. Planting is not standardized, the product can not be traced.

In the traditional planting model, growers are not aware of the variety of Chinese Sichuan pepper, easy to plant different varieties of Sichuan pepper together, resulting in impure varieties of Sichuan pepper products, the flavor is not correct.

2. The management is not standardized, resulting in pesticide residues exceed the standard.

As most of the planters lack of food safety awareness, in the pursuit of Sichuan pepper production, lack of awareness of pest management, when the Sichuan pepper pests and diseases are serious, the management process a large number of pesticides, resulting in Sichuan pepper product quality decline, pesticide residues exceed the standard, affecting food safety.

3. Dry system is not standardized, easy to cause secondary pollution of sichuan pepper.

Drying and coal firewood baking and other traditional drying process, may make the dried sichuan pepper accompanied by charcoal powder, soot, stones and other foreign impurities, and in the process of burning will generate sulfur dioxide and other harmful substances residue, will affect the quality and safety of sichuan pepper products.

4. Trade, processing is not standardized, mixed situation serious.

In the past, the sichuan pepper business model is more traditional, traders in the acquisition process, not only the market confusion, more sources, inevitably a variety of categories of mixed sales, and, the entire circulation process is sloppy, very easy to appear mixed situation.

5. Screening process is backward, product quality is difficult to improve.

The previous sichuan pepper screening process, growers screening traditional backward, resulting in incomplete screening, and can not be screened and graded, reducing the quality of sichuan pepper products.

6. Storage is not standardized, there are food safety hazards.

After the completion of the sichuan pepper dry, most growers and merchants will use woven bags plus inner film bag form to preserve Sichuan pepper, like dried prickly ash red pepper, Chinese white pepper, and Chinese green peppercorn, due to the inner film bag material is not standardized, and even some sihcuan pepper farmers use fertilizer and other used woven bags for Sichuan pepper, if long-term storage may lead to plasticizer migration to sichuan pepper oil, resulting in plasticizer exceeds the standard.

Storage Is Not Standardized

It is worth mentioning that sichuan pepper is mostly planted in mountainous areas, due to the tedious planting, high labor input and transportation costs, the lack of inherent sales channels and other multiple obstacles, resulting in more and more growers giving up sichuan pepper planting, thus affecting the sustainable development of the entire industry.

02  99.5%: Redefining "Selection Sichuan Pepper"

However, in the 1990s, RuShi began to engage in the sichuan pepper acquisition trade business. During the period of wild growth of pungent spices, the phenomenon of substandard products is endless, food safety issues are worrying.

Is the traditional pepper can not achieve a new breakthrough? Not also.

The whole industry is never short of innovators and challengers, like "RuShi" after 33 years of craftsmanship precipitation, by deepening the upstream industry chain layout, drive pepper into a new era of quality competition. In order to break the "product ceiling" of sichuan pepper at that time, Ruishi sichuan pepper started from simple manual machinery, through continuous innovation, and finally achieved a new breakthrough of pepper net selection degree to 99.5%.

228 Xingnong Road West Section, Mengyang Street, Pengzhou City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
228 Xingnong Road West Section, Mengyang Street, Pengzhou City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province (+86)400 8553133