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Sources of Aromatic and Flavoring Substances in Peppercorns and Methods of Detection

What is “hemp” in pepper?

“Numb” and “spicy” are not flavors, but tactile sensations. “Spicy” is tingling, heat, “hemp” is numbness, vibration, pins and needles superimposed on the burning sensation, salivation, astringency and other feelings of a collection of pepper solution on the lips of the tingling sensation and the fingers of 50Hz vibration device produced by the vibration of the sensation of roughly the same, so hemp was also So hemp is also known as the “50Hz vibration pain experience”.

Hemp flavor from natural unsaturated fatty acid amides, mainly hydroxy-α-peppercorn as the representative of the amide compounds, up to now, has been found to have hemp flavor of more than 30 kinds of substances. Types of Sichuan pepper for sale from Rushi, including dried red prickly ash powderdried green prickly ash, tsao ko powder.

The flavor of pepper

Pepper flavor mainly from volatile substances, also called essential oils, by terpenes, alcohols, esters, aldehydes, ketones, ethers and other compounds, the main components include d-limonene, linalool, linalyl acetate, hinokiene, lauric acid, and so on, which is the most important flavor components of d-limonene and linalool. Relevant studies have shown that there are more than 100 volatile oil components in peppercorns.

Affected by origin, soil, climate, species, harvesting period, and other factors, pepper flavor has obvious differences, green pepper volatile oil content and composition is significantly more than red pepper.

The volatile oil has strong volatility, and improper preservation can easily lead to the weakening of the flavor.

Sources of Aromatic and Flavoring Substances in Peppercorns and Methods of Detection

3. Detection method of peppercorn flavor substances

The detection method of the numbing substance is only gradually matured in recent years, and there is no numbing evaluation method in the production at the beginning, which seriously restricts the trading and circulation of peppercorns, the core of which lies in the lack of compliant numbing substance standard products.

In 2019, the Sichuan Provincial Health Commission approved the release of the Local Standard for Food Safety Peppercorn Oil, which stipulated the content determination method of amide substances in peppercorn oil within the appendix, creating the first method for the amide substance content of peppercorns.

In March 2020, the National Standardization Administration Committee (SAC) approved and issued the Sensory Analysis Evaluation of Pepper Numbness Scoville Index Method, which refers to the method for evaluating the spiciness of chili peppers, and uses the Scoville Index to represent the numbness of peppercorns.

In June 2020, the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives approved and released the industry standard Determination of the Total Content of Peppercorns and Peppercorns Processed Products Peppercorn Amide, which is divided into UV Spectrophotometer Method and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Method, which further enriches the numbness evaluation method.

In 2022, with the continuous in-depth study of pepper, the taste mechanism of numbness is further clarified, and the hydroxy-α-peppercorn produced by Sichuan Food and Drug Testing and Research Institute was recognized by the relevant departments, our company relied on the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal Husbandry to take the hydroxy-α-peppercorn as the standard, and jointly explored the validation of the Sichuan Food and Drug Testing and Research Institute and the major food enterprises, and after a number of trials After many tests and verifications, we have formed an effective group standard with stable data: T/CFNA 6503 - “Determination of the content of sesame flavor substances in pepper and its products”.

4. Pepper volatile oil detection methods

Pepper volatile oil detection method compared to the numbing substance is much simpler, scientific research and production of GB/T 17527 “Pepper essential oil content determination” as the determination of standards, the method of using a simple instrument, only need to be heated by the water vapor will be volatile oil out of the cooled can be measured.

In addition, there is GB/T 30385-2013 “Determination of volatile oil content of spices and seasonings” can also be used as a method of determination of volatile oil, but due to the cumbersome testing methods, reagents controlled by the bad procurement, in addition to testing companies, the basic enterprises rarely use this method.

228 Xingnong Road West Section, Mengyang Street, Pengzhou City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
228 Xingnong Road West Section, Mengyang Street, Pengzhou City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province (+86)400 8553133