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Difference Between Chinese Peppercorns And Japanese Mountain Peppercorns

First, the same belongs to the Brassicaceae, similar in appearance but with differences

Chinese pepper and Japanese pepper belongs to the same family of Rutaceae, has a certain degree of kinship; leaves are basal pinnately compound leaves, Chinese pepper leaflets in the number of more than between 5-13, while the number of Japanese pepper leaflets more than 15, Japanese pepper leaflets more but smaller leaflets; Chinese pepper has thorns, easy to prick hands when picking, the Japanese pepper has no thorns, all also known as the Japanese thornless peppercorns; 

China Pepper reproductive mode for non-fertile reproduction, do not need male flowers to bear fruit, Japanese pepper dioecious, need special pollination tree to bear fruit; Chinese pepper fruit Chinese pepper reproduction mode for fusionless reproduction, do not need male flowers on the results, Japan Pepper dioecious, need to specialize in pollination tree to results; China Pepper fruit surface distribution of oil cells protruding from the surface of the fruit, which contains a greater number of volatile components, while the Japanese Pepper fruit surface oil cells are not very protruding, volatile components of the relatively small. Rushi is a professional spice and seasoning manufacturer, that provides fresh green Sichuan peppercornsdried prickly ash red pepperwhite pepper Chinese, etc..

Second, the types of active ingredients are similar, but each has its own differences

Chinese pepper and Japanese pepper contain active ingredients are flavor substances and numbing substances, but there are differences in the specific components.

Chinese pepper flavor substances are mainly d-limonene, limonene, linalool, linalyl acetate, etc., Japan Pepper flavor substances in limonene content is the highest, followed by cuminene, linalool content is relatively low, of which cuminene is the unique flavor components of Japan Pepper, which is led to Japan Pepper and China Pepper in the flavor of the most important reason for the obvious difference.

Chinese peppercorns mainly contain hydroxy-α-sorcinol, hydroxy-β-sorcinol and hydroxy-γ-sorcinol, with hydroxy-α-sorcinol having the highest content. α-sanjakin is the highest content. According to the results of the related research, the content of hemp flavor substances in Japanese pepper also showed the same pattern. However, due to the Japanese pepper oil cell is not very prominent, the oil cell is small, the content of numbing substances is less, the overall numbness is relatively weak.

Difference Between Chinese Peppercorns And Japanese Mountain Peppercorns

Third, the main varieties of Japanese pepper and use

1, the main varieties

Asakura pepper: the most widely used in Japan, a high-level varieties, mainly using fresh fruit, dark red pericarp, thousand grain weight 14-15g, pericarp thickness of 0.9-1.2mm, essential oil content 6.0-10.7ml/100g.

Grape Pepper: the bud variety of Asakura Pepper, with a small number of prickles, lenticels are many and dense, oval fruit, fresh fruit thousand grains weight 90-100g, pericarp bright red, pericarp thousand grains weight 17-23g, essential oil content 8-12ml/100g. Widely used for spices and medicinal purposes, it is a representative variety of using dried pepper.

Liu Jin Pepper: the tree posture is more upright, the branches are dense and sturdy, and grow in the shape of a head, the budding force and branching force are strong, the new shoots are green in the upper part and brown in the lower part, the lenticels are more and denser, and the branches have a large degree of sharp cutting, and the fruits are larger, round, with a bright red skin, and a thousand-grain weight of 16-18 g. The ability of early flowering and fruiting is especially strong, with a high rate of fruits, a high fruiting capacity and a high and stable yield.

Flower mountain pepper: easy to become a flower and pollen amount is very large, mainly used for the results of peppercorn cultivation pollination tree, its shoots are suitable for making pepper sprouts.

2, the use of Japanese pepper

Japanese pepper is one of the earliest spices used in Japan, with a unique fragrance and hemp flavor, and Japanese miso paste, soy sauce and other Japanese condiments with good, can be used in miso soup, clear soup, teriyaki chicken, etc., it is also one of the main components of the Japanese condiment seven spice powder.

In addition, Japanese mountain pepper is steeped in five-spice sake, which is traditionally drunk on New Year's Day to ward off illness.

228 Xingnong Road West Section, Mengyang Street, Pengzhou City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
228 Xingnong Road West Section, Mengyang Street, Pengzhou City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province (+86)400 8553133