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Chengdu Rushi Spices Co., Ltd.

Inspection Report | 2023 Turmeric Production Season Inspection Report (Ⅱ)

◭ What does Rushi do about the risks of Turmeric during cultivation, primary processing and storage?

Pre-production area research:

At the beginning of the production season, we organize personnel to go deep into the production area to research, take samples, measure, test, etc., to assess and screen the quality of raw materials and food safety in the production area, and record and archive.


1. Archiving customer needs with quality assurance;

2. Regular testing of the inner film bag: regular testing twice a year, the use of tested and qualified safety packaging bags.


1. Sampling and inspection of raw materials to the factory: after each batch of raw materials is acquired to the factory, samples are taken for internal or external inspection, and the test indicators are evaluated and then summarized and entered into the system;

2. Purifying selection processing: removing impurities, foreign matter and metals from the raw material by such as the actual net selection process;

Inspection Report


1. Sorting and stacking: Sorting and stacking raw materials to reduce the risk of tampering and avoid contact with toxic and harmful substances;

2. Low-temperature storage: 0-5℃ large-capacity cold storage for quality preservation, effectively reducing the loss of effective ingredients and ensuring relatively stable quality;

Regular quality control:

The raw materials of each origin are sampled separately, stored under room temperature and refrigerated conditions, and tested regularly every month for sensory and physical and chemical indicators, and the monthly data are organized and filed.

Comprehensive Assessment

Due to the abnormal weather in 2022, most areas of Sichuan had a long period of drought, resulting in a decrease in Turmeric production in 2023, with total production down 30%-35% year-on-year compared to 2022, but Turmeric quality has improved compared to 2022, and Turmeric production is expected to rise in 2024.

228 Xingnong Road West Section, Mengyang Street, Pengzhou City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
228 Xingnong Road West Section, Mengyang Street, Pengzhou City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province (+86)400 8553133